Deccan Trap basalt flows, India


Disha's hand in a dinosaur footprint in siltstone, Holyoke, MA.

Dinosaur footprint, Holyoke, MA

Below are links to resources (from various sources) that I have found useful in my career and would like to share. Please feel free to reach out and share resources that you think would be a great addition to this list, or if you are at an earlier stage in your career and are looking for a mentor!

Resources for undergraduate students

Resources for graduate students

Accessibility resources

Teaching resources

Mentoring and DEI resources

Job search and career resources

K-12 Resources

Miscellaneous resources

  • Purdue Superheroes of Science – A YouTube channel run by the College of Science K-12 outreach team with a range of interesting talks and experiments and some professional development content
  • Virtual Ice Tours – Virtual tours and puzzles to learn about ice related research through the Byrd Center at Ohio State University (shared by Dr. Ali Bramson, Purdue University)
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